Nominee’s bio (or LinkedIn profile link)
Here is my Linkedin:
How long have been working in the CORD community?
I started working at CORD community as Ambassador since 10/01, 2017. (About 1 year)
What contributions have you made in the past to the CORD community?
Here is my talks in Taiwan's community:
- School:
- M-CORD introduction: NCTU
- CORD XOS training: NCTU
- CORD introduction: NCYU
- M-CORD Guide: YZU
- Community:
- GNTC in China
- M-CORD driving 5G innovation
- CORD workshop: M-CORD
- Cloud Native Taiwan User Group(CNTUG): How Cloud Native driving 5G? (M-CORD)
- COSCUP Taiwan: What technology driving 5G innovation(M-CORD)
- Introduce M-CORD technology at TAICS (Taiwan Association of Information and Communication Standards)
- GNTC in China
What are you actively working on in CORD?
M-CORD development:
Why do you feel you would be a good candidate for this position?
I'm major in SDN, LTE and MEC solution. And my company(ITRI) is connect A and B together. I can share these experience and ideal to all the company, school, community.
On the other hand, I also have the development experience could help all the people who want to get involve the ONF project.
Are there any changes you would like to bring to the community if elected into this position?
- I would attend more conference to introduce such good technology (CORD, ONOS etc.)
- Providing more technology support for the people who really want to try the CORD or ONOS etc..