For installing CORD 4.0 and later (including master), please visit
This page applies only to older versions of CORD that are no longer supported.
In the first part of the process CORD fetches and builds through Gradle a set of images, used later on during the installation. The images include:
cord-maas-bootstrap - (directory: bootstrap) run during MAAS installation time to customize the MAAS instance via REST interfaces
cord-maas-automation - (directory: automation) daemon on the head node to automate PXE booted servers through the MAAS bare metal deployment workflow
cord-maas-switchq - (directory: switchq) daemon on the head node that watches for new switches being added to the POD and triggers provisioning when a switch is identified (via the OUI on MAC address).
cord-maas-provisioner - (directory: provisioner) daemon on the head node that manages the execution of ansible playbooks against switches and compute nodes as they are added to the POD.
cord-ip-allocator - (directory: ip-allocator) daemon on the head node used to allocate IP address for the fabric interfaces.
cord-dhcp-harvester - (directory: harvester) run on the head node to facilitate CORD / DHCP / DNS integration so that all hosts can be resolved via DNS
opencord/mavenrepo - custom CORD maven repository image to support ONOS application loading from a local repository
cord-test/nose - container from which cord tester test cases originate and validate traffic through the CORD infrastructure
cord-test/quagga - BGP virtual router to support uplink from CORD fabric network to Internet
cord-test/radius - Radius server to support cord-tester capability
opencord/onos - custom version of ONOS for use within the CORD platform