CORD : M-CORD Developer Environment for CORD 4.1

This page explains how to setup M-CORD on cord-in-a-box (CiaB).

Part 1: Getting source codes.

Download and run script on the target server.

Download script and run
$ cd ~
$ wget
$ chmod +x
$ tmux
$ ~/ -v

After that, logout and re-login to register group libvirtd.

Part 2: Build M-CORD v4.1.

When building M-CORD v4.1, there are two steps, (i) generation configuration files for M-CORD and (ii) build M-CORD with Makefile as follows.

Build M-CORD v4.1
$ cd ~/cord/build
$ tmux
$ make PODCONFIG=mcord-ng40-virtual.yml config
$ make -j4 build

It spends much time (at least a hour), so BE PATIENTS! If there is no failed message, then you can finally use M-CORD v4.1.