AT&T is leading the VOLTHA project.

AT&T OMCI Specification v3.0

AT&T VNF Guidelines

AT&T has contributed the following Epics towards the development of an open-source SDN based OLT/ONT control mechanism

ON.LAB and AT&T Phase III Q&A


Part of these requirements are being met by the VOLTHA project in Open CORD.


EPIC_1_NAL.pdf (application/pdf)
EPIC_2_PON Managment.pdf (application/pdf)
EPIC_3_SDN.pdf (application/pdf)
EPIC_COMMON.pdf (application/pdf)
ATT_OMCI_Specification_v2.0_20170331.pdf (application/pdf)
ATT Phase 3 Requirements_05_18_17_12.08EDT.xlsx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet)
ATT_OMCI_Specification_v3.0_20170623.pdf (application/pdf)