Nominee’s bio
<Phil Huang, Aseem Parikh, 赵慧玲, Jian Li>
Phil Huang 黃秉鈞
- Edgecore Open Networking Solution Engineer
- Speaker as Business develop in Taiwan
- Commercial products pre/post-sales with BigSwitch, CumulusLinux, Pica8 with World Wide support
- OpenSource solution pre/post-sales based on ONF projects with World Wide support
- CORD Ambassador based on Taiwan, APAC
- SDNDS-TW Co-Founder
- The biggest local SDN/NFV group in Taiwan that has more than 1,100+ members.
- Social media
- E-mail
- phil_huang <at>
- phil <at>
How long have been working in the Ambassador Program?
Since 04/06/2017 ~ Now
What contributions have you made in the past to the Ambassador Program?
- 17 times public speech in 2017, mostly talking about CORD and ONOS [Ref] [SpeakerDeck].
- The biggest event is represent ONF CORD in Global SDNFV Tech Conference 2017, Beijing, China with Aseem and Jian
- Assist in organizing the first real CORD deployment event - SDNDS-TW Workshop 2017 in the world.
- Assist ONF to match the prize in Mobile Hero 2017 (SDN/NFV) contest in Taiwan for cultivation of ONOS developer talents
What are you actively working on in the Ambassador Program?
I'd like to co-work with another countries people and want to know what the status of industry and requirement in the country.
Why do you feel you would be a good candidate for this position?
Absolutely. Most of the time, I talk more about OpenSource and ONF projects expect commercial products. I can provide the best OpenSource solution for the customer if they are looking for using SDN controller (Of course, ONOS is the best choice) or any SDN solution (SDN-IP, Atrium, Trellis, R-CORD...etc).
Are there any changes you would like to bring to the community if elected into this position?
- Push more activities (workshop, SDN event) based on ONF projects in APAC, mostly in Taiwan
- Cultivation of SDN/NFV technology talents from university level. I will talk more ONF concepts to professor or decision maker directly.