Welcome to the XOS & NEM Community wiki space. All information on this wiki is publicly accessible. If you would like to contribute to this space, you will need a CORD account: https://opencord.org/registration
XOS brings the Everything-as-a-Service (XaaS) organizing principle to the CORD architecture. In doing so, it addresses several of CORD's high-level design requirements, including a means to seamlessly integrate control plane (SDN) and data plane (NFV) based services; the ability to support both access services and conventional cloud services; support for multiple security domains; and the "end-to-end glue" needed to make CORD both extensible and controllable.
XOS is a central part of NEM (Network Edge Mediator), which plays a role in both SEBA and COMAC. XOS is a stand-alone tool, with other use cases on the horizon (e.g., multi-cloud service mesh).
Communication Channels
To participate in the XOS project...
- Join the CORD Developers list.
- XOS Developer mailing list: https://groups.google.com/a/xosproject.org/forum/#!forum/devel
- Slack channel: #xos-dev https://onf-community.slack.com/archives/C01CU206ST1
- To join, please click here: https://join.slack.com/t/onf-community/shared_invite/zt-g2ed9rid-t9mAGa4Y2RrKfBWbY665tA
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Having trouble getting started? First, reach out to the mailing list or Slack team. If you still have questions or concerns, please email help@opennetworking.org.