Oct 21, 2019
We finalized the MME improvement version 1.
Sep 30, 2019
ONF and NG4T started to integrate the NG4T UE and enodeb emulator into OMEC CICD.
Sep23, 2019
We released the first version of COMAC. https://guide.opencord.org/profiles/comac/release-notes.html
Instructions for both multi-cluster and COMAC in a box.
July 15, 2019
Vikram shared the TAU workflow design.
Today's discussion: TAU function in mme uses single core and single thread.
We will create a setup with openmme+simulator testbed in Intel Lab. Action: Ashok, Pingping, Badhrinath, Hari. 2 Weeks.
After the testbed, then people will go through the current code.
Action: Ashok give intel lab testbed access to Pingping, Badhrinath and Hari.
Badhrinath will share the stream id design on wiki.
July 8, 2019
Ashok/Vikram shared the OpenMME design model, performance based.
TAU update feature is going to be reviewed and improved to openMME. Action: Badhrinath will setup another meeting to discuss before next weekly meeting.
We will create a reference setup and performance testbed in Intel Lab. Action: Ashok and Pingping
Action: Vikram will share more info about the limitation of the message queue & TAPA design.
June 24, 2019 :
Agreed on following:
1- OpenMME code will need to be re-structured for better software engineering- Code constants, extensibility. Infosys team to lead this effort in line w/ the actions below.
2- OpenMME design model to be reviewed together with current code walk through- Action Ashok together w/ Vikram and Pingping.
3- OpenMME profiling test setup to be hosted at Intel Labs. Action- Pingping to officiate the request to Intel through ONF.
4- Next meeting Monday July 8th. Focus: Item #2.